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Building tiers & how they work
Building tiers & how they work
Success team avatar
Written by Success team
Updated over a month ago

To see which plans include Loyalty Tiers please see our pricing page. If you would like to add Loyalty Tiers to your account, please contact

Please note that this is a guide on how to set up our regular LoyaltyLion tiers based on points or spend. If you would like to find out how to set up conditional, hidden, or subscriber tiers, please reference the attached guides.

In this article:

What are LoyaltyLion tiers?

Why be Bronze when you can be Silver or even Platinum?

Loyalty tiers are a great way to incentivize your customers to spend more money at your store and encourage customer retention. With tiers, you can give your most loyal customers bigger and better rewards.

Tiers on the Loyalty page

Here is how tiers look on the Loyalty page:

If you'd like to use Loyalty Tiers, please contact your LoyaltyLion account manager for an onboarding call.

How to set up tiers

Navigate to 'Manage Tiers' in your Manage section:

1. Come up with each tier's name - you can set up to 4 tiers

2. Set up minimum spend in $ or points

You have the option to base your tiers on either:

  • Customer points

  • Customer spend

The tier that a user is in is determined by how many "approved" points a user has earned, or how much they have spent in the last twelve months. When a user earns more points or spend more money they will move over the boundary.

In the example below, once a customer spends £300 total they will move from the Baby Lion tier to the Growing Lion tier. Once they've spent £600, they'll become a Lion King.

When you set up the tiers with points, the tier movement will be determined by the customer's "Points total" rather than "Points approved". This means that if the customer spends their "Points approved" balance, they won't move down a tier. Read more about how these points balance fields work under "Customer export fields".

If you want to make use of point-based tiers, simply change the slider from 'Spend' to 'Points'.

Your boundaries will then change to points, which you can then set to be any value up to 999,999 points.

Note: If you set Spend tiers rather than Points tiers, LoyaltyLion will count how much your customers spend as a guest. As a result, it is possible for your newly enrolled customers to start in Tier 2 if they had made previous purchases in your store.

3. Set up points for Activity Rules for each tier

SuccessTip: We recommend that the higher the tier, the more points should be assigned to encourage customers to move up the tier.

4. Set up points for Rewards for each tier

SuccessTip: We recommend that the higher the tier, the lower the amount of points needed for each reward. You can also set up exclusive rewards available only for members in higher tiers - this way more customers will want to move up!

5. Next you can define your tier durations, you have a choice of offer Rolling 12 months or Lifetime tiers.

6. You're now ready to launch! (Or later if you prefer) *Please be aware that the numeric values of the tier boundaries can only be edited prior to launch. If you decide to change these after launch, this will require us to reset your tiers so you can create them again from scratch.

Decide if you want to move your customers into tiers retroactively (either taking their 12-month spend into account or since the launch of LoyaltyLion - whichever happened later) or if they start with a clean slate.

Edit your tiers before launch

You can edit your tiers pre-launch, simply by pressing the 'edit'' button shown below, found in your manage tiers interface. Please note, tiers can only be edited pre-launch, to make changes post-launch you will need to contact our support team for assistance at

*Please be aware that the numeric values of the tier boundaries can only be edited prior to launch. If you decide to change these after launch, this will require us to reset your tiers so you can create them again from scratch.

How customers move between tiers

There are two options:

a) 12 months evaluation

b) Lifetime tiers

c) Conditional tiers

A) 12 months evaluation

Customers are placed into a tier on the basis of either on their total spend over the last 12 months or how many points they earned over the last 12 months. If a customer has spent enough money or earned enough points in a 12 month period to move up a tier, we'll immediately move them up and let them know via an on-site notification. The customer will then remain in that tier for a minimum of 12 months.

When you launch your tiers, you have the option of starting them from today or making them retroactive. If you start from today, all customers will begin in the lowest tier and we'll only consider purchases made or points earned from today when determining their tier.

If you make them retroactive, we'll place customers in tiers based on their last 12 months of purchases or points earned; any customer placed in a tier this way will remain in that tier for at least 12 months.

You can see a customer's current tier and how long they'll be in it by viewing them in your LoyaltyLion members' area.

Moving down a tier

Once a customer has been in a tier for 12 months, we'll re-evaluate their total spend for the preceding 12 months and either keep them in the same tier for the next 12 months or move them down.

Moving customers to another tier manually

On each customer's page in the merchant account, you will find a button that allows you to select a new tier for them. You can make the tier membership expire in a given number of months, or tick a box to move a customer into a tier without an expiry date. Find more information on how to do this now.

If you move a customer to a tier manually, they are excluded from any automatic tier downgrades or moving up a tier, until their manual membership runs out.

B) Lifetime tiers

This will let you set your program's tiers to a tier membership duration of 'forever'. It will in effect let you have the customer go up a tier, but never down. For example, if a customer moves up from the Bronze to Silver tier, they won't go down to the Bronze tier again. The customer will stay in the Silver tier until they have spent enough/have enough points to move to a Gold tier.

C) Conditional tiers

Conditional tiers live outside of the normal boundary framework, and cannot be added within a boundary tier series; they will always be at the end of the tiers. The way customers travel into the tier is not done manually or through spend or points earned. It is determined solely by the tag the customer has in their Shopify profile.

You can create a conditional tier by choosing the option 'Conditional (Shopify tag)' in the 'Reason for entering' field.

You will then add the customer tag in the box below. The tag is case sensitive so make sure it is copied exactly how it is in Shopify otherwise no customers will be added to the tier.

You can then optionally add condition text below, to explain why the person is in the tier they are in, and how others can enter.

How do tier memberships work?

Tier memberships work based on spend or approved points earned over a 12 month period. Each tier has a spending range, e.g. $0 - $99, $100 - $499, etc.

To illustrate with an example. We have the following three tiers:

  • Bronze: $0 - $99

  • Silver: $100 - $499

  • Gold: $500+

We have a shopper who registers and spends $50 on day 1. They will be in the Bronze tier, as their spending has not reached the threshold for the Silver tier.

On day 150, they spend an additional $75. As soon as they complete their purchase, they will be moved into the Silver tier because their total spend in the last 12 months is now $125. If nothing else changes, they will remain in the Silver tier for 12 months, i.e. their Silver tier membership would expire on day 515.

Let's look at a few different scenarios now:

1) They don't purchase again. On day 515, their Silver tier membership will expire and they'll be moved back into the Bronze tier.

2) On day 250, they spend $400. They will now be moved into the Gold tier as their total spend in the last 12 months is now $525. They will remain in the Gold tier for 12 months.

3) Let's assume that the shopper then stays in the Gold tier for 12 months (days 250 - 615) and during that period spends $200 on day 500. On day 615, their Gold tier membership will expire because they will have only spent $200, not the $500 needed to be in the top tier. Our shopper will then be moved into the Silver tier because their spend in the last twelve months is $200, in the $100 - $499 range. They will remain in the Silver tier for a further 12 months, until day 980.

If you are interested in calendar based tiers, help us prioritise it in the roadmap by making a feature request

Frequently asked questions

For more information on our FAQs about the tiers, you can reference this article.

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