To see which plans include Loyalty Tiers please see our pricing page. If you would like to add Loyalty Tiers to your account, please contact
For more information on tier evaluation and how customers move between tiers, please see building tiers and how they work.
What is tier progress?
Tier progress presents the number of points or spend that the customer has earned towards their current tier. If you have launched tiers, you will see a customer's tier progress on their profile page for boundary (spend or points) tiers.
Tier Spend/Points
Depending on how you set up your tiers, this will display as either tier spend
or tier points
. The values update dynamically as customers earn points or make purchases.
Please note, this field can be different from your customer's current points or total revenue.
Tier progress values take into account the tier duration of your live tiers. This would be either:
Rolling 12 months
To the next tier
Below the tier spend/points, you'll see a number of points or spend the customer is required to accumulate in order to move into a higher tier.
To stay in the tier
In certain cases, you will see points or spend to stay in tier
Manual move to a boundary tier
One of the cases, when you will see stay in tier
is when a customer has been manually moved to a boundary tier. Because the move was manual, they did not earn the required spend to reach this tier through purchases. In order to stay in a tier, they must first spend a required amount before the tier is re-evaluated again at the end of their 12-month tier membership.
12-Month Rolling Evaluation
If you chose our recommended 12-month rolling evaluation for tier membership, customers must spend money or earn enough points within the 12-month period to remain in their current tier.
Example Tiers:
Tier 1: $0 - $500
Tier 2: $500 - $1000
Tier 3: $1000+
Example Scenario:
Initial Purchase: A customer enrolls in the Loyalty Program and places an order for $200 on March 30, 2023.
Note: Because they are in the lowest tier, their required spend to stay in Tier 1 is not displayed, as they cannot move down from this tier.
Second Purchase: On April 10, 2023, the customer places a second order for $350. Their total spend now reaches $550, moving them to Tier 2. Their Tier 2 membership will expire on April 10, 2024.
Rolling Period Impact: When their Tier 2 membership expires on April 10, 2024, both initial orders ($200 + $350) will fall outside the rolling 12-month period. Therefore, their required spend to stay in Tier 2 will show as $500.
Third Purchase: On April 30, 2023, the customer places another order for $250. This order will still be within the rolling 12-month period when their Tier 2 membership expires. As a result, their required spend to stay in Tier 2 is reduced to $250.
Staying in Tier 2: If the customer spends $250 before their Tier 2 membership expires, they will remain in Tier 2. If not, they will move down to Tier 1.
There are scenarios where you will not see a customer's tier progress.
Tier spend/points
Tier spend/points will not appear if a customer is in a:
conditional tier
manual tier, i.e a tier where tier changes are made exclusively through manual adjustments
Tier spend/points to next tier
Tier spend/points to next tier will not appear if a customer is in:
the highest boundary tier
Tier spend/points to stay in tier
Tier spend/points to stay in tier will not appear if:
a customer is in the first tier, as there is no lower tier the customer can be moved down to
you have lifetime tiers enabled, as customers cannot move down tiers