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All CollectionsIntegrationsReviews platform - Integration Manual - Integration Manual
Dave Clark avatar
Written by Dave Clark
Updated over a year ago

To see which plans include integration please see our pricing page

In this article:

Why LoyaltyLion and is a Google Licensed Review Partner, trusted with authentic customer feedback by thousands of clients.

Using LoyaltyLion and together, you can reward your customers for leaving reviews.

Benefits of integrating with

  • is a Google Licensed Review Partner - reviews are sent daily to Google and give you the tools to maximize your online visibility in Google Ads & organic search results

  • Increase review conversion by enabling customers to write reviews directly in the email

  • Customers can see your review score through Google Maps, Facebook, and Google Shopping, which can increase the traffic on your website

How to integrate LoyaltyLion with and set up the rewards?

You'll need an active account and an active LoyaltyLion account to set up the integration.

Set up Instructions below:


1. Log in to your account
2. Navigate to the Company Setup
3. Click on the Reward Integration and select LoyaltyLion or click here

4. Click on the button Link LoyaltyLion Account

5. Approve the integration to finish setting up

Set up rule in LoyaltyLion

1. Login to your LoyaltyLion account

2. Click on the Manage tab

3. On the left find Activity rules and click Create new rule

4. Click on the Custom Rule to create the rule

5. The rule needs identifiers to trigger the rule. The identifiers below will trigger this rule, so chose which one to set the rule to:

  • reviewsio_company_review_reward - company review

  • reviewsio_company_photo_review_reward - company review with a photo

  • reviewsio_product_review_reward - product review

  • reviewsio_product_photo_review_reward - product review with a photo

Amend the settings and decide on the approval method.

Note on Approval method:

  • Immediate - an activity will be approved immediately, and a customer will receive points for writing a review automatically.

  • Trigger - a review will receive a pending status, and you will have to approve it manually in order for your customers to receive points.

Note: Once a customer leaves a review, you'll be notified by about this. They, you'll need to manually approve the review on customer's account. To do this go to the customer's account and click on Actions > Complete Activity >  Submit. Find more information here

6. Set the display settings

7. Click Create rule button to save

8. Next time if you wish to change settings you can do it by clicking the Edit button next to the’s rules


Q. How are rule limits decreased?

The rule limits are calculated as a calendar interval. That means that if you set the rule limit to only give points once per month if a customer completes the rule on June 30th they can re-trigger the rule again on July 1st. They will get the points both times but they would then need to wait until August 1st to be able to complete the activity again.

Q. If I set the rule so the customer can be rewarded 3 times a month for leaving a review, when does the month begin?

The monthly period starts being counted when the first review is left.

Q. How long should it take for my customers to get points after leaving a review?

Customers should receive points within 24 hours of leaving the review

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