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[Shopify & BigCommerce] Activity: purchase a specific product
[Shopify & BigCommerce] Activity: purchase a specific product
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Written by Success team
Updated over a week ago

You can award additional points to your customers when they purchase a specific product on your store.

This rule gives bonus points to the customer in addition to the standard ‘make a purchase’ rule when they purchase a particular item in your store. You can use these rules to promote new items in stock or to encourage purchases on items that are not selling well.

You have the option to ‘Multiply by quantity’ meaning if the customer purchases more than one would you want to award them the bonus points for each or only on the first item.

Setting up the rule

To create this rule, go to Manage > Rules > ''Create new rule'' and click the 'Purchase a Specific Product rule.

1. Product ID: enter your product ID and click on "Find Product"

2. Variant ID: enter your variant ID.

Note: this step is optional: if not provided, it will trigger for any product variant.

3. Points: choose how many points you would like to award to your customer for purchasing an item from this collection.

4. Multiply points by quantity: You have the option to ‘Multiply by quantity’ meaning if the customer purchases more than one. It'd your decision if you want to award them the bonus points for each or only on the first item.

5. Title: this is how the activity will appear to customers in the Loyalty panel

6. Notification: this is seen by customers when they receive points. The {{points}} text will be replaced with the correct number of points awarded.

7. Description: this is seen by the customer in the loyalty panel when they click on the rule

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