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Understanding the Dashboard Charts

Our charts are faster, easier to use, and give you so much more data!

Dave Clark avatar
Written by Dave Clark
Updated over a week ago

In this article:


We have overhauled the charts you find within your LoyaltyLion program, this includes the Dashboard, Referral and Orders chart. This will allow you to break down the information in the charts in granular detail, so you know exactly what has been happening on your loyalty program and when!

These improvements will change all of your graphs, allowing you to use them for past data as well.

Date Range Selection

It is now much easier to select a date range. Not only are the charts a lot more user-friendly, but we have also added quick time range selections so you can easily swap between a day, a month or a year. You can also zoom in on a specific time period, perfect for looking at the performance of a sale.

Smaller Resolutions

Charts will now automatically choose a resolution between weekly, daily, hourly and per minute, depending on the date range that has been selected - this means you can now see the exact moment a traffic spike occurred and the impact it had on the program, minute-by-minute.

Time Zone Support

Charts and the date picker now use your configured time zone. If you’re on Shopify, we keep this in sync with the time zone you have set in your Shopify store, so it’ll match your Shopify analytics. You can also set this time zone manually. This will allow you to properly line up your LoyaltyLion data with the data on your other systems.


You can now share a link to a specific chart and date range just by copying the URL. There's no need to share a screenshot any more, the person you are sharing the chart with will be able to access it at the exact point you are looking at, provided they can also log into your Dashboard.


As well as the above improvements, we have also reduced the loading times of the charts. This will significantly cut down the amount of time it would take for particularly busy charts to load, which should now only take a couple of seconds.

Chart Definitions

Within the Dashboard, there are multiple charts you can view. Each of these charts offers a view of a particular area of your loyalty program performance.

New Program Members
This is the number of customers that have joined your loyalty program. This does not include customers gained via imports but through natural growth.

Points Earned/Spent
Points Earned shows all points your customers have collected through the completion of activities your loyalty program offers. Points earnt via imports are not shown on the chart. Points Spent shows how many points your customers have spent on the rewards you offer through your program.

Activities Completed
This is the number of activity rules your customers have completed in order to earn points. This can be broken down to each specific activity.

Rewards Claimed
This is the number of individual rewards your customers have claimed with their points through your loyalty program. This can be broken down to each reward type.

Loyalty Purchases
This is the amount of revenue your business has taken that has been directly influenced by your loyalty program. LoyaltyLion only collects this revenue, if a LoyaltyLion triggered voucher (such as a discount reward) has been used on the order. Any revenue taken that has not been influenced by the loyalty program, is not counted as a Loyalty Purchase

Points earned

This section includes approved and pending point activities for named rules. Non-rule activities, for example imports and manual adjustments, are not included, as well as expired, void, or declined activities.

Points spent

This section includes points spent on approved customer rewards.

New Features

Rewards Claimed

We have added a new chart, called Rewards Claimed. This will give you a full understanding of what rewards are being claimed, and when those rewards are being claimed. You can add and remove these rewards as well so you can focus in on specific reward performance.

Activity Charts

The Activities Completed chart now breaks down into specific activity types, allowing you to see them on an individual level. This will allow you to break down each specific rule to see how many activations it has had over a set time frame.


You can now export the data in the chosen chart, which will download automatically in your browser. You will no longer have to wait for an email containing your chart data, and the data will automatically be broken into one row per day. This will allow you to keep local copies of all of your loyalty data, in an easy-to-use format.

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